Donate Items
Donation Hours
Tuesday 9 - 11 am
Tuesday 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday 12 - 2 pm
Saturday 9 - 11 am
Ways to Donate
Do you want to share what you have with others in need? HighPoint’s food pantry and clothes closet provide you an opportunity to have a direct impact on your community. HighPoint clients receive food, clothing, and household goods free of charge. You are making a difference!
Donate Food & Toiletries
Items We Accept
Canned Items like fruits, vegetables, and soups
Bagged items like pasta, beans and rice
Boxed items like cereals, bars and snacks
Paper goods like toilet paper and paper towels
Cleaning supplies
Baby wipes, diapers, pull-ups (sizes 4, 5, and 6 always needed
Items We Do Not Accept
Opened items
Expired or spoiled items
Cigarettes and alcohol
Donate Clothing
Items We Accept
New or gently used clothing
In season clothing (currently accepting fall/winter styles)
Adult, children’s and infant sizes
Purses & bags
Belts & wearable accessories like jewelry
Greatest Needs:
New underwear (men’s, women’s, boys, girls)
Men’s jeans
Items We Do Not Accept
Ripped, stained or torn clothing
Clothing with inappropriate writing
Donate Household Items
Items We Accept
Towels & washcloths
Bedding (blankets, sheets, and comforters)
Kitchenware (plates, bowls, serving utensils, etc.)
Small Kitchen Appliances (blender, mixer, toaster oven, etc.)
Home, seasonal, & holiday decor
Toys & games
Organization & storage items
Items We Do Not Accept
Chipped or broken items
Ripped, stained or torn items
Large Furniture
Large Appliances (Washer, Dryer, Stove, Refrigerator, etc.)
Large Electronics (TVs)
We want your experience to be a positive one! Because our volunteer capacity is limited, we provide set times to ensure you are provided adequate assistance unloading your items. When donors come outside of donation hours, it disrupts our process and causes extra work for our team. Thank you for understanding.
Our address is 424 E Main Street in LaGrange. Simply pull into the parking lot and drive to the back of the building. Donation signs will direct you into the left lane where a volunteer crew will assist you.
HighPoint Charitable Services is a 501c3 nonprofit charitable organization. Our volunteer team will provide a donation receipt for your donations at the time of drop-off. Donors are responsible for valuing their donations and should consult a tax advisor or accountant with tax deduction related questions.
Your donations will serve local families in need directly or indirectly. Most donations will go directly to clients. However, some non-essential donations will be sold to support our ministry's operational and programming costs without sacrificing our mission to meet basic needs for our clients. See our Shop HighPoint webpage for more info.