HighPoint’s Clothes Closet.
When you are a ministry of basic needs, clothing lists among the things you provide. Clothing a family can be expensive. A family of four spends, on average, $161 on clothing per month. For individuals and families who are near the poverty line, affording clothing can be a significant challenge. We take clothes donated by the community and make them available to HighPoint clients at no cost to them. We have everything from shirts to shoes, seasonal items to household goods. Clients are able to come through the Closet twice a month.

Our community donates over 200 bags of clothes, shoes, and household goods each week to HighPoint. Members of the community bring bags of clothes, shoes, and household goods. Volunteers sort clothing into categories, such as women's pants, kid’s shoes, etc. and put clothes on hangers, fold pants and make items shelf-ready. The clothes closet also uses volunteers to keep the store tidy-making sure items are organized correctly, taking out older items and replacing them with new, season appropriate ones. Clients can shop for one bag of clothes, twice a month. We strive to offer those items our clients have demonstrated they want/need. We are also happy to help with special needs such as a newly adopted child, or emergency (fire) needs. Items from the Closet are always free to our clients.
Debbie has been volunteering with the ministry since 2012. Besides the Clothes Closet, she has enjoyed working in the food pantry and being a client mentor. “We love serving our client families with the very best we can offer, but HighPoint also ministers to our volunteers, giving them a place to give back and to feel part of something greater.”
'Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. ' Colossians 3:23 NLT
Debbie Rodriguez
Clothes Closet Leader
Get Involved.
Our clothes closet needs volunteers to fold clothes, put clothes on hangers, and to keep our clothes closet organized! If you are interested in volunteering in our clothes closet, fill out our volunteer form.