Client Information.
We would like to be a resource to help you with any challenges you are facing. We look forward to seeing you at HighPoint! Learn more about our services below!
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry provides
food support for hundreds of client families every month.
Clothes Closet
The Clothes Closet supplies client families with season-appropriate, community donated clothing items.
CrossPoint provides a worship service and faith community for HighPoint clients every Thursday evening.
Grace Resource Center
The Grace Resource Center uses a holistic approach to address physical, emotional, and spiritual needs for clients.
Current Service Hours
Monday: 11AM-12:30PM
Drive-thru Food Pantry
Tuesday: 9AM-11AM
Clothes Closet
Food Pantry
Tuesday: 5:30PM-7:30PM
Clothes Closet
Food Pantry
Wednesday: 12PM-2PM
Clothes Closet
Food Pantry
Thursday: 5:30PM-7:30PM
Clothes Closet
Food Pantry
CrossPoint Worship Night (Dinner Provided)
Saturday: 9AM-11AM
Clothes Closet
Food Pantry
In addition, Oldham county residents are eligible for a USDA commodity box once a month. See chart for more information.
HighPoint Charitable Services is an equal opportunity provider. All persons meeting the HighPoint Charitable Services (HPCS) financial guidelines are eligible to apply for services regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age or disability. In addition, any participation by clients in certain faith-based aspects of services offered by HPCS, such as prayer or spiritual counseling, is purely voluntary and not a requirement for other services.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Visit Us
424 East Main Street, LaGrange, KY 40031
(502) - 713 - 7090